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Pastora americana larga igreja para trabalhar como stripper

Como diz o ditado popular: "Não dá para servir a dois senhores ao mesmo tempo". E uma ex-pastora americana levou a expressão a sério: ela desistiu da igreja para se tornar uma stripper , acumulando 42 mil seguidores que pagam para ver suas fotos e vídeos eróticos na internet.

Mãe de três filhos , Nikole Mitchell, 36, casou-se e virou pastora - o que, segundo ela, foi uma atitude vista como rebelde aos olhos de sua família, já que "lugar da mulher é na cozinha e cuidando dos filhos".

Reprodução - Nikole era pastora em uma mega-igreja evangelista

Mas quando Nikole, e seu agora ex-marido, se juntaram a uma mega-igreja evangelista em St. Paul, Minnesota, ela teve uma epifania que a levou a uma decisão que mudou sua vida .

Ela começou a questionar sua sexualidade em 2016, depois que foi a uma apresentação de teatro voltada para o público LGBTQI+ e percebeu que era bissexual . "Eu sabia que, se me revelasse, perderia tudo, porque a igreja não acolhe essas pessoas."

Não querendo levar uma vida dupla, Nikole deixou a igreja para sempre e ' saiu do armário ' em um vídeo confessional postado no YouTube.

A stripper, que agora se mudou para Los Angeles, diz que está "mais feliz do que nunca". "Comecei muito tímida, com apenas fotos de topless, mas agora estou no ponto em que faço fotos e vídeos sob medida para os desejos específicos de cada um. Cada pessoa tem o direito de se expressar da maneira que for melhor para ela, e é assim que me sinto bem", acrescentou.

Fonte: IG

Nikole Mitchell

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I know it's not easy. . Between having kids home full-time, trying to do your work from home, pay your team, make money, help others...it's A LOT. . Add to that the pursuit of your dreams, the inner work you're doing, the old ways you're releasing, the new ways you're calling in - all in the midst of a pandemic - & it's no wonder there are big feelings, lots of tears, heated moments, & feelings of overwhelm. . It's not easy. . And I say that to give you permission to feel the feelings, let them course through you, & give yourself so much grace. . It's okay if it's hard & messy & full of ups and downs. . That doesn't make you any less worthy of a human, any less powerful of a manifester, any less deserving of the life of your dreams. . You still get to have it all. . So when you're tempted to call it quits, let these words wash over you instead: . You, my friend, are a beloved child of the Divine. . You have been anointed as whole, worthy, & deserving AF. . You have a sacred mission that is unique to you & desperately needed in the world. . You have a heart of gold that will serve so many people & do the world such justice. . You have a voice that soothes, heals, calls forth, anoints, uplifts, & empowers all who hear it. . You have a vision that brings people together & unleashes a kindred spirit that the world is yearning for. . You have an infinite source who desires to supply you with everything you need so you can become everything you were born to be. . You, my friend, are God-in-flesh. . You radiate love. You radiate light. You radiate LIFE. . And you have everything you need to slay the fuck out of your dreams. . Because who you are is LOVE. Who you are is COMPLETE. Who you are is ENOUGH. . And you are worthy of it all.❤ . There are just 4 hours let to sign up to work with me 1:1. . (Enrollment closes at midnight PST!). . I am here to support you, love you, guide you, & empower you in this new & unprecedented season of life. . You don't have to go at it alone. . I've got you. I love you. I believe in you. . I cannot wait to get started. . Hit the link in my bio. . XoXo . 📸: @colbyfiles

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

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The patriarchy taught me that I don't belong in positions of power. My job was to play & stay small. Churches taught me that women don't belong in the pulpit. My job was to serve behind the scenes. Religion taught me to settle for crumbs & to not ask for more. My job was to sacrifice myself & put myself last. And after 33 years of trying to live by their rules, I literally collapsed & ended up in the ER twice in May of 2017. When you try to convince a star to not shine, you give it a death sentence. That’s when I knew something had to change. That's when I was divinely assigned the task to figure out my worth once and for all, give myself permission to do what I love and express myself fully, and to not stop until I was free, unleashed and unstoppable in every way. (And you know I did my homework 😎) I learned to stop giving my power away and gave myself my own damn leadership position. I learned that I was definitely not born to be behind the scenes and allowed myself to shine as the star I was born to be instead. I learned sacrificing myself was the exact opposite of what I was born to do and by prioritizing myself I was able to help more people and make a bigger difference. And here I am! Living in the state of my dreams, doing the work of my soul, serving badass clients, making money being me, and being interviewed and published across the globe! AND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. - I am living proof it is not too late. - I am living proof that you have ALL THE POWER WITHIN YOU to create the reality of your dreams. - I am living proof that your job is to figure out who you were born to be and to unleash that badass bitch in all her glory! You are here to live your purpose, unleash your passion, follow the dreams of your heart and to 👏🏾have👏🏾it👏🏾all👏🏾. Everything you want you can have, I promise. And if you're ready to take your life to the next level and become the star YOU were born to be, I got you. I am here to support you, guide you, and empower you to live a wildly free and beautifully abundant life. Click the link in my bio to work with me 1:1 or to join my mastermind! It’s time to rise and shine! 📸: @heresjohnny.photo

Uma publicação compartilhada por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) em

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